Saturday, January 22, 2011

My new internet home (Again!)

The city of Melbourne
Originally uploaded by Straffo
Hello once again children. Yes, I have moved from my old blogging home a Live Journal to here. So I suppose I'd best introduce myself again to any new readers (yeah right).

Name: Jarryd
Age: Soon to be 23, sigh I'm getting on in years.
Job: Currently working at TRU Energy, one of the major energy retailers in Australia.
Interests: Many and varied. Sports, movies, TV shows, music, photography, writing (hence the blog), politics etc. I'm a person with whom many people have something in common.

I realise that most of the above could've just been found in my profile but let's be honest, who actually reads those? Nobody, that's who. Plus it gave me something to write for my first blog here, and you have to give the punters something new to come for otherwise you'll never get anywhere on the internet.

Suppose I should share why I disposed of Live Journal, simple really. Nobody goes there. It's unheard of and nobody likes it. And I'm far too egotistical to just write without people actually reading it. So I immediately left for the trendy, hip, popular option. So here we are; me, my iPhone and my crazy frog ringtone. The cutting edge of cool.

Anyway, the title of this blog is, as you can see, Unnecessarily Brief (god bless random adjective generators). So I guess I'd best follow my own rule and keep it brief. To keep you tied over until next time, I've included a picture I took of the city of Melbourne. I'll blog about Melbourne often. You'll be sick of it eventually.

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